Saturday, March 19, 2011


Nick in the past week has split 2 pairs of pants in the bum... 
He is upset cause he is growing out of his little boy pants of 28 and now he is in a 33 (which are really to big but he wants to be safe.) We went through countless pairs of jeans today trying to find the right pair and sooo many different sizes and brands, the kids where fussing and between nicholas trying to open the door while nick was in the changing room pantless and lucas spinning in a circle on the floor WE FOUND THE RIGHT SIZE. Only to find out a couple of hours later that they are too big. He is hoping they will shrink in the washer, me too! And if not I have no other choice then to feed him cheesecake every night for dinner till they fit. 

But for the moment he has something to cover his bum so I couldn't be happier. 


  1. That's so funny! :) I like the cheesecake idea!

  2. hahahahahahahahahahaha HA!
    I love you Nick! Gabi, you are sooo funny! Cheesecake is not my favorite, but I had some recently at the Young Womens broadcast, and it was delish! Chocolate sauce and cherries...mmmmmm!
